Welcome to Morningstar Canada

New Morningstar.ca features

Morningstar Canada is here to empower investor success and help you make better investment decisions. See our newest features and tools including the Morningstar Quantitative Ratings, Sustainability Ratings, improved fund and stock reports, alongside our regular independent editorial coverage and commentary.

    New features for you to explore

    • Morningstar Quantitative Ratings Funds

      MQR: Now covering 16,000+ funds

      Morningstar Quantitative Rating (the Quantitative Rating), a new fund rating that uses a machine-learning model based on the decision-making processes of Morningstar analysts to rate six times more funds in the U.S. and Canadian markets.

    • Investing for Beginners

      Empowering Investor Success

      When we say we're focused on empowering investor success, we mean it. Wherever people are making decisions about investing, we are there to guide them through it. Visit our education centre for more.

    • Equity Research Icon

      Wider Quantitative Equity Coverage

      Gain access to fundamental analyst research evaluating 1,500 companies, plus the forward-looking quantitative ratings we generate on more than 50,000 stocks.

    • Mobile Optimized

      Stay connected on any device

      The updated website allows you to connect with Morningstar on a variety of devise types including phones and tablets.

    • Sustainable Investing

      Sustainability and Carbon Ratings

      If you want to maximise returns, then you should ensure environmental, social, economic, and financial system in which they invest is as healthy as it can be.

    • Design 300x100

      New Layout and Reports

      Morningstar Signature Reports provide a curated composition of Morningstar’s research, data, and visualizations helping you decide whether it is a good time to buy or sell an investment. Experience our Signature Reports by searching for an investment in the main Search Box above.

    • Investment Compare

      Evaluate Investment Possibilities

      Quickly understand the pros and cons of specific investment choices. Explore our new investment research tools today.

    • Global Stocks

      Addition of Global Equities

      Equities from major exchanges globally can now be searched, reviewed and evaluated to help you make more informed decisions.

    • Morningstar Indexes

      Morningstar Index Screener

      We draw on our independent research ecosystem to inspire new indexes and drive outcomes that investors value. Explore these indexes with the new Index Screener or learn more about Morningstar Indexes.

    Frequently Asked Questions...

    It looks like one of the tools I used to use is missing. Where did it go?     In working on upgrading our Investment Research capabilities, we need to retire existing features from time to time. We’re always looking for feedback! Sign in and let us know what would help you with your investment research by submitting feedback here.  
    It looks like there’s a new version of the Mutual Fund & ETF quote pages. Where did the old one go?     We’ve retired the older version of the Mutual Fund & ETF quote pages, and are actively investing in ensuring the new version works for you. We’re always looking for feedback! Sign-in and let us know what would help you with your investment research by submitting feedback here.  
    What browsers work best for morningstar.ca?     The latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Safari are supported on morningstar.ca. Browser support is determined by audience usage.  
    How do I get help with an issue?     Our support team is happy to assist. Sign-in and let us know what we can do to help. Contact us here.  
    Why aren't the Morningstar Quantitative Ratings updated with latest month-end ratings?

    We’ve identified an issue with the Morningstar Quantitative Ratings published as Oct. 31, 2020, and Nov. 30, 2020. Some of the Morningstar Quantitative Ratings published as of those dates unintentionally consumed missing and incorrect data as part of its process to generate the final ratings.

    We are working to fully understand the scope of this issue and resolve it as quickly as possible. Until then, we are preemptively removing all Morningstar Quantitative Ratings (Overall Rating, Parent Pillar, People Pillar, Process Pillar) published on those dates out of an abundance of caution.

    Instead, we will display the current Morningstar Quantitative Ratings as of Sept. 30, 2020 where the ratings are available. We expect to resume publication on Jan. 22, 2021, for Morningstar Quantitative Ratings as of Dec. 31, 2020.

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